Sunday, August 21, 2016

Random Pictures: Summer 2016 Edition

 Summer came and went.   This one was very special.  Nathan Nuñez had a big family reunion,
hanged out with friends, and picked up swimming.  Here are some random pics of it all.

Looking for treasure in nearby creeks.

About to start swimming lessons with Daddy.



Applying his swimming skills in natural water.

 Nates and his friend Deja enjoying the Austin water hole life.

 Patiently waiting for a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse.

 Rocking It Out with Dad!

A way to survive the Texas heat.

Cool Surrender.

Water Check!

Unleashing the madness with Daddy and Stephanie.

Shark on the hunt!

Cue the "Jaws" music.

Nates and Deja: Pool Buddies!

Water race with Mr. Peeps!

About to watch one of his favorite movies this Summer: Ghostbusters.

Photo Op with Uncle Ramon and Little Quentin.

Family Reunion in El Paso, TX.

Rolling Tortillas with Cousin Angelina.

Showing off his advanced swimming skills to Uncle Donny.

The King of Summer!

Learning to Surf!

Waiting for the final wave with Daddy!

Some of the cousins.

The Whole Family Reunion Gang!

Nathan kicking butt and taking names across the galaxy ready to conquer the 1st grade.