Saturday, October 31, 2009

October Belly Shot

2nd shot of the second trimester.

This past week:
Linda took the Swine Flu Shot.
Baby's Heartbeat: 152
Linda did some blood work and everything
came out okay.

Name Section:
It seems like the name, Nathan, is becoming a household name.
We originally got that name years ago when we saw
Raising Arizona. The main baby's name is Nathan Jr.
We kinda played with that name since.
So I guess we're stuck with Nathan.

Upcoming Stuff:
Nov. 3: 2nd anatomy scan to make sure everything is ok.
Dec. 11: Regular Doctor's Appointment.

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's A "???????"

Today we went for the full anatomy check up.
We also found out the big question.
Is it a boy or a girl????
Here's the video to find out:

After the doctor's, we went to Chuys for lunch.
It was there where we had to make a decision for the name.
The name on here is a name we thought about for 9 years now.
It may not be the final full name, but it's a great possibility.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby's Got a Heartbeat!!

Today we went for our third visit.
There was no ultrasound but we got to hear
our baby's hearbeat for the first time.
According to Dr. Cutler, everything is fine.
Linda got a flu shot to protect herself
from all the craziness flu spreading around.
She also gave some blood for some tests.
Here's a short video of our little nugget's heartbeat sound.

Our next visit is on Oct. 23rd.
That is when they do the whole anatomy scan of the baby.