Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mid-April Pictures

Our little 12 pounder has a lot to say
but cannot speak yet.

We try to do bathtime every other night.
He likes it when he's in the water but
doesn't like splashes. He better get used to it,
because we live near Schlitterbahn and a whole bunch
of lakes.

Tummy time!!

One day, this will all be his.

He likes sitting down, but sometimes he loses balance
and falls to his side.
We'll be posting a home video later on this week.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Space Dream

Little Nathan is 3 months old now.
To celebrate, here's another video we threw together.
It is inspired by movies from director Michel Gondry
(The Science of Sleep, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind).

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nathan Visits Midland, TX

We took Nathan to the town we met and where most
of our family live: Midland, TX.

Here's the pics of Nathan with some of the family
he visited:

Nathan and Grandma.

Nathan and Aunt Alma.

Nathan and cousin Augustine.

Nathan with Twin Uncles: Erik and Phillip.

Nathan with Tony's Godparents and Lauren.

Nathan with his Godbrother Quentin.

And last but not least, Nathan with his parents.

We're planning on taking Nathan over there more
often so he can get to know his extended family.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Sleep and Cry are my Pastimes"

"Sleep and cry are my pastimes."

"Then every once in a while I'll be quiet
and be concentrating on something else.
Something I cannot yet explain."

"Once I figure it out, I'll let you know."