Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day Weekend Shenanigans

It was mostly a rainy weekend but Daddy and Nates made the best out of it.
Here are the pics in a certain order:

A visit to the famous Pennybacker Bridge.

A visit to the tiny Pennybacker Bridge (at Peter Pan Mini Golf).

Golfing through the bridge!

Putting an end to clown business.

"Redrum!" at the Alamo Drafthouse.

Some Ant-Man movie reading while waiting to sit for Inside Out.

Baptizing the new car with his favorite comic book hero: Batman.

Baptism completed!

Daddy placing a sticker of his favorite comic book character: The Punisher.

Finding Nemo while waiting for dinner.

Ready to eat carnitas.

Tent Adventures!

Cartoon time inside the tent.

Greetings from the tunnel.

And that was pretty much it for this rainy weekend.
Oh yeah, Nates also saw two traditional Father's Day kid movies:
Lion King and CJ7.
That's it.

Happy Father's Day to all you dads and also moms who do double duty.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Random Pictures: Spring 2015 Edition

Random pictures from March through June of this year.

A bookworm finds a way!

P. Terry's Action!

A little monster being spotted at the Honk TX Festival.

Daddy and the little monster in the parade.

Something wicked this way comes.

Getting ready for breaking news!

Blowing his first balloon on his own.

Tales from the Green House.

Playing Dominoes with Daddy (en EspaƱol)

The earache that won't go away!

Bicycle Thieves Italian Movie Night with food inspired by the movie.

At the Violet Crown Festival.

The Kite Runner Returns!

Reach for the...Kite!

Daddy and Leavehead (but, don't call him Leavehead).

Exhausted Kid in South Congress!

Happiness is a warm homemade tortilla with lots of butter.

Return of the Splash Pad King!

Making a Mother's Day Picture Frame for his mom.

About to be in Pinball Machine Mode!

Pinball Action at Pinballz!

His return to the best theatre in the world: Alamo Drafthouse.
He hasn't been there since he was a baby.

About to watch Despicable Me (part of the Alamo Kids Camp).

The Little Dark Knight Returns with new set of wheels.
He only works in black and sometimes really really dark grey.

And that concludes the pictures from the Spring.

Coming Soon:
- Father's Day 2015 Shenanigans
- Family Adventures in El Paso, TX

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bubblepalooza 2015

Nates is lucky to live in a city where a festival call Bubblepalooza actually exists.  
This is the 4th annual of the fest.
Nathan was accompanied by both Mommy and Daddy for this bubble fun event.

Bubble Popping Pose!

Running wild one bubble at a time.

Feeling dozens of bubbles by the stage.

Transforming himself into a bubble monster.

Bubbles under the tent.

Follow the big bubble!

Bubbles Taking Over.

Bubble Machine Play.

Bubble Boy!

Intense Interview
Daddy: "How does it feel to be inside a bubble?"
Nathan: Good. 

Bubbles Over the City.
Bubblepalooza 2015 is a success.