Monday, September 10, 2012

First Tailgate Experience

This past Saturday, Nathan went to his first Tailgate ever
at The University of Texas.
Too many emotions and expressions from the little one.

Daddy and Nates on the way.

Helping out pushing the cooler.

There's no clue why he's smiling but he's about to get mean.....

He wanted to walk around. Not just stand
there with other tailgaters.

Shooting innocent bystanders, UT style!!

This is no cigar. It's time to grub.

Hook Em Horns!! But, what he's really saying is:
Rockeen Roll!! Rockeen Roll!!

Looks like UT scored but the game didn't
start until two hours later.

On Cooler Patrol.

No one gets in the cooler without his permission.

Enjoying the UT craziness in downtown.

This is no face of anger or sadness, this is a face
of pure satisfaction.
Everybody out there loved this little man.
Strangers were high fiving him.
Nathan enjoyed his first tailgate ever.
What's the secret?
A bag of M & M's.
It gets him every time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Random Pictures: End of the Summer Edition

The end of the Summer is here.
Nathan has one more splash pad to go.
He was sick last week, so the last splash pad stop
is pushed back a little. He'll be back to finish soon.
For now, here's some random pictures
of the little guy. Enjoy!!

Nathan went to Chuck E. Cheese's a few weeks ago.
And like any other kid, he went crazy!

After playing and a few minutes of struggling not to eat
to play more, he finally ate some pizza.

And speaking of eating, this little man is very picky
when it comes to food.

Daddy making sure he eats a little bit.

On a good note, he loved chicken and waffles!

Very Photogenic!!

Working hard for the man!

Bath time! Sometimes he likes it
and sometimes he don't. This was a good day.

Watching Spy Kids inside the ottoman.

And most of the times, he still sleeps like a baby.

Nathan Nuñez breaking hearts and taking names.