Friday, July 15, 2011

Catching Up With Summer Pictures

First off, this has been a busy few weeks
for us, both at work and personal.
But, we're catching up little by little.
Our last post we posted was Summer Weekend #1.

Now let's continue with the rest of the pictures
of Nathan's awesome cool summer.

Note: There's also lots of video taken so far but
we'll be posting a summer recap video in September.

Summer Weekend #2: Deep Eddy Pool

Summer Weekend #3: San Antonio TX trip to Sea World

At Goro's Sushi in San Antonio.

On the way to Sea World cooling of with a coconut paleta.

Sea World Picture!

Watching a show.

At Sofia's Birthday Party:

Summer Weekend #4: Nathan's Personal Kiddie Pool
and Father's Day Celebration at Uncle Billy's in Lake Travis.

Summer Weekend #5: Midland TX and Hobbs NM

Summer Weekend #6: Phoenix and Disneyland

Summer Weekend #7: Brushy Creek Lake Park in Cedar Park

And there you have it.
This summer isn't over yet.
There's more places to go around this wonderful city of ours.
Nathan is enjoying every second of it.
Thanks for looking!!